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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 31, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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does he walk on the pavement and hop that fence or what? >> dana: he probably goes over the fence. thanks, sorry, thanks for the use of your pool. i didn't use a towel. right? he was a leave no trace kind of bear. >> bill: well done. good stuff. >> dana: good start to the week. very good. he made a bear pun. see how it goes on "the five." "the faulkner focus" is up next. here she is. >> harris: breaking news. after legal wrangling the ex-friend and business partner of hunter biden showed up under subpoena. he is with the house oversight committee now. what will devon archer tell lawmakers about the business deals and president biden? i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." no cameras but we'll get a transcript. the man talking at the request of oversight chairman james comer is in there. throw this into a mix of some questions they'll hit him with.
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suddenly on the weekend the justice department tried to put devon archer in prison on a previous case. was that witness intimidation? justice spokesperson denied they were trying to keep archer from the lawmakers' interview. chairman comer in the room with archer right now calling on him to rise to the occasion. >> i don't want to put words in devon archer's mouth but i will say this. he has an opportunity to come tomorrow to the house oversight committee and tell the truth. he has an opportunity to be a hero. devon archer could be in that category of americans that just come and tell the truth. >> harris: democrats seem to be divided over the hunter biden never ending headache. >> it is clear that he broke the law with respect to taxes and possibly the ownership of the handgun. he should be held accountable for that. >> i think this is a witch hunt. i don't think he is being treated any differently than anyone else accused of crimes he
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has been accused of. there is never any evidence that joe biden has compromised his office. >> harris: the "new york post" cover with the word play on devon archer calling him arch enemy. in "focus" saul wisenberg, former whitewater deputy independent counsel. first to chad pergram on the hill. >> good morning. devon archer arrived 15 minutes late for his transcribed interview. he previously ducked the committee on three different occasions despite facing a subpoena. archer avoided my questions when he arrived for the closed door meeting today. >> mr. archer what do you intend to tell the committee today? do you have anything to say in did you have meetings with the bidens and can you elaborate? the session is expected to go about four hours. republicans and democrats alternating for two hours of questions each. only a few members are present
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for today's meeting. one is judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. he could lead a potential impeachment inquiry. the other gop member is andy biggs. >> we'll start off by focusing on burisma and the relationship of devon archer to the biden family. i believe he can tell us things we haven't heard before. >> dan goldman of new york is here for the democrats. republicans say archer is the lynch pin to their investigation. goldman is not so sure. >> we're all waiting for any pin, whether it be a lynch pin or other pin to figure out how this is connected at all to president biden. >> we are told there are new bank records to review today. they are from russia, ukraine and kazakhstan. fox also has text messages from archer and hunter biden. hunter tells archer they will
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quote, have the last laugh. the committee says it will release a transcript of the interview in 3 or 4 days. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. look at what's at stake. "the washington examiner" says why the devon archer testimony is so important and the examiner points out archer is the closest business associate of hunter biden to speak with congress so far. the two men were former best friends, served together on the board of burisma. formed investment firm rosemont seneca. legal experts expect archer to blow the lid off the president's denials of being involved in hunter biden's business. republican oversight members told me archer will be asked about then vice president biden being on phone calls and at dinners with hunter's foreign business partners. former assistant u.s. attorney andy mccarthy says his first question to archer would be a
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very simple one. why are you here? saul wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel for the whitewater and clinton/lieu en ski investigations. great to have you in "focus." from andy mccarthy the question is a fair and pertinent one. he canceled three times up until now and why did he show up today? >> that's a good question. the better question is why hasn't congress done anything to him for not showing up three times? we know what was done to steve bannon for basically ignoring a subpoena. we know what was done to peter navarro. they ended up being charged with obstruction. so why was nothing done to devon archer? but i would caution people not to get too excited about what he may or may not say. let's wait and see what happens. >> is that because there is really not that substantive immunity that, you know, an actual lawyer in a courtroom
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could maybe argue for if you stand before and get interviewed by this house committee, can they offer him anything? >> well, he can refuse to testify based on fifth amendment immunity. he has an absolute right to do that. for all we know he might show up and do that. the problem he had before was when he didn't show up. so it wouldn't surprise me if he asked for immunity and they could give him immunity. by the way. i don't know if this committee could but the house could give immunity. that immunity, by the way, is every bit as broad as immunity given by the justice department. the immunity given to oliver north and john.dexter is why their convictions got reversed. that could be a development that no one is talking about. >> harris: you are saying the house could give him that immunity and perhaps that would
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be, if it's dangled enough for him to tell everything he knows. last week speaker of the house kevin mccarthy talked about a possible impeachment inquiry into president biden and both sides of the political aisle weighed in on that. let's watch. >> i think mccarthy may open an impeachment inquiry because he thinks it will let off the steam with the crazies in the conference. >> where do you think it's heading with hunter biden after the plea deal fell apart? >> hopefully impeachment for his father and we throw the book at him. >> harris: your reaction to that. >> well, talk is cheap. that's my reaction to that. so the key to holding an impeach. inquiry. speaker mccarthy made this point. it gives congress the broadest power possible. when you get into these separation of powers disputes
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with the executive branch and subpoena president biden for his records and he says executive privilege, i don't want to give it, the courts give tremendous deference to congress when it sits as an impeachment inquiry to the house. that's what's important there. if you want the maximum leverage to get the documents you need and the testimony you need, you sit as an impeachment inquiry. i think that's what's important here. they won't proceed to an impeachment vote without doing that. >> harris: all right. i do know from interviews that we did here on "focus" late last week there was a ramp up. we had representative chip roy on and he said he was pushing for more and more republicans to come on board so that they will know if they can get the votes in the house on any sort of impeachment inquiry. we'll watch it closely. where donald trump is now legally. mar-a-lago's property manager is making his first court
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appearance today in miami. you see him from earlier this morning. he has just been charged in the superseding indictment and classified documents case against former president trump charged with obstruction for scheming with the former president to try to hide security footage from investigators. so we've seen this in legal cases before. you round everybody up and seen it used against trump before trying to put pressure on different people. your take. >> well, he is also charged, this employee, with lying to the government. my first question is why are all of these current trump employees, who apparently are having their lawyers paid for by the president, why are they talking to investigators? they get charged any time they talk to them. you aren't under any obligation if you have a fifth amendment privilege. that's my first question.
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the second thing is, as i'm sure you are tired of hearing in washington the cover-up is worse than the crime. if this indeed happened, how unfortunate because none of the footage apparently was ever deleted. but there was apparently an ask and a conversation about it and then this person went and if the government is correct, didn't tell the truth about it. so it's tragic in a way. >> harris: thank you very much. appreciate you being in "focus." >> thanks for having me. >> harris: some of the major concerns about president joe biden's very slow 2024 campaign start. that's not a campaign event that's just the beach in delaware where he goes a lot. the man in charge looks chill. he hit the beach over the weekend as you can see while republican candidates barn stormed key states. >> this is the moment of the american revolution. >> our best days are yet to come.
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>> this is our chance in 2024 to send the biden/harris administration to the dust bin of history, where it belongs. >> harris: republican hopefuls for now, though, are focused on chipping away at president trump's lead. a new poll shows they have a long way to go. new hampshire governor chris sununu in "focus" next. rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on many credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars a month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards and other debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company.
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>> it's my joy to be back in the first in the nation primary state iowa. >> faith, patriotism, hard work, family, these things have disappeared. and that leaves a moral vacuum.
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>> we stood strong against the mob, against the left, against the bureaucracy and we fought for our people's rights. >> we must protect this land of opportunity so it doesn't become what the radical left, the land of oppression. >> let's make sure we save our country once and for all. >> harris: just a little more than five months ago before the first in the nation caucuses in iowa. 13gop presidential candidates descended on that state over the weekend. you just heard from some of them. they all steered clear of mentioning former president trump by name. he came out swinging against his closest rival. >> the 2024 election is our last shot to save america and there is only one candidate -- you know who that candidate is -- who will get the job done. in all the polls i'm leading biden by 6, 8, 11 point.
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desantis is losing the biden in all cases. i wouldn't take a chance on that one. i'm leading in the primary polls by 50 and 55% against him and others. >> harris: trump further cemented his frontrunner status. "the new york times" with its first republican primary poll of the season showing him crushing his rivals. he leads his nearest challenger by 37% right now only seven republican candidates say they'll qualify for the first debate hosted by fox on august 23rd. there is a little bit of time left. governor chris sununu is in "focus" now. governor, first of all, let's visit iowa and what you saw there and then what you heard from trump. >> it was exciting. the first time all the candidates got on stage together for the most part. i will say this, i thought a few
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candidates did really well. ron desantis did really welcoming out of the gate. i thought doug burgum connected with small town values. what it means to a lot of folks. he grew up on a farm. tim scott is doing a very good job connecting his story to other stories. he did very well. vivek did very, very well getting the crowd pumped up and excited. folks know i'm not much of a trump guy and i think on the face of it, everybody in the room would tell you he gave the worst speech. he read from a binder. looked down and read from a binder, had no energy. nothing about the future of america or how to get stuff done. getting some initiatives and policies moving forward. his fell flat but he is still leading. the former incumbent president. nobody should be surprised by that. national polls are big but where is the discussion happen? iowa and new hampshire.
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where the those polls? two of the last three have the former president under 40%. over 60% of his hard core voter republicans don't want him. so it's not what he has, it is what he doesn't have as a former president. that's why if this gets down to a one-on-one race he is in real trouble. no question about it. it will take time to get there but i think we will. >> harris: in full disclosure you are not a trump fan but i don't know that it is fair to say he didn't talk about anything about the future. i watched that and didn't completely get that out of it. he was -- >> what did he say about the future? >> harris: he was lower key. i want to ask strategy for a second. is there strategy in being that and letting everybody else do what they do? he doesn't need to reintroduce himself. i'm curious. you've run and won. what's the strategy as an incumbent? >> you have to put people first. this guy has raised $40 million
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to other people can pay legal bills. the 10-minute speech or 60 minute droning on is all about his legal troubles. all about woe is me, poor me, victimization, all that sort of thing. i get it. people play into. i don't think it carries the vote. if you look at what he read in the binder, he read down his list of stats. it was nothing about fiscal responsibility or draining the swamp or border security. any of those things. >> harris: do you think people have a question about that from him? >> yes, he didn't do it. >> harris: the criticism of him overall is that americans who are polled don't feel like any of the candidates are talking about them enough. now, i've watched all of them and especially what you mentioned nikki haley and tim scott, burgum, all of them, desantis are all talking about the economy. interesting to see as they are out more. i think the debate will make a difference.
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>> without a doubt. >> harris: i look forward to that. let's move to president biden for a second. at his delaware beach home this week. not a surprise, 39% of his time has been on those weekend moments where he is hanging out. republicans ramping up the investigation into the biden family bribery allegations while he hits the beach. former president trump seizing on that in this new ad. >> what do you call someone this week, someone caught in a bribery scandal that made them millions, complicit in a government cover-up, and uses your government to get special deals for his family? you call them joe biden. >> harris: president biden's time away from the white house also coming as his gop rivals are all over the country campaigning in key battleground states. governor sununu, i asked about the strategy on the left, biden and how he is doing.
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>> well look, he works hard. he needs some vacation time. give him a chance to rest up. i'm being snarky. he has been sleeping for 2 1/2 years. a miracle he can find the debate stage and a challenge to get off the debate stage. the challenge there, i think the democrats will have is how to get this guy out. that's it. i'm more convinced than ever -- i'm not saying it will definitely happen but quite possible and close to probable that he is not the nominee. when you add up one in four chances, health keeps him out of it a year from now when the convention. one in four chance. >> harris: how do you know health keeps him out of it? >> i can watch the news. i know you report it. you have to watch it, too. you can see him on any given day. the health is a severe issue. so then, you know, 1 to 4 chance is health. one in four chance hunter. if we choose trump as the
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nominee the democrats will seize as the opportunity to not have a trump-biden but someone else versus trump knowing it increases the possibility to beat the republicans up and down the ticket. the fact that we put trump in there amps up the ability for the democrats to take biden out. >> harris: you can't argue with the polling that's not what it shows a trump/biden match-up. if democrats wait long enough perhaps they wouldn't have time. one last question. i heard you talk about trump and all that. you said if we put. meaning you and your party put trump on top of the ticket coming out of the primary my question is would you support him? >> look, i will support the republican, no question about that. that's not the issue. the question is making sure we're a party that goes forward. it isn't just gee we might lose the presidency. former president trump hurts the entire ticket. don't forget about how bad 2020, 2018, 2022 we got slaughtered with him as the message bearer. we lost school board seats with
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that guy there. we have to move on as a party. we can't be a party that wants to just keep relitigating the past. the next generation innovation, new ideas. we have great candidates and that's the opportunity. >> harris: have you ever debated him, donald trump. i would love to see you two get together? >> i would love to debate donald trump. if you want to make that happen i'll be there tomorrow. >> harris: i will work on that with all sin -- >> harris: i want to show you video of president biden out for a bike ride in delaware. yesterday he was on the beach. as i've been talking about hunter biden's former business partner devon archer is on capitol hill talking with lawmakers. we'll bring you any more out of the president's movements as we get them. not a care in the world. chairman of the judiciary committee jim jordan calls it the smoking gun. what he says just dropped that
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he says shows how the biden white house worked with facebook to censor americans. it is getting deeper now. remember when the president bragged about being a grandpa? >> president biden: the best part of it all, i have six grandchildren and i'm crazy about them. i speak to them every single day. not a joke. >> harris: she is four years old now and he has known about her and finally he acknowledges that he has a seventh grandchild. one his son hunter had with a woman from arkansas. that was until friday when the president addressed 4-year-old navy joan roberts for the very first time. what took him so long and why? mary kathryn hamm, i'm excited, joins "focus." let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink!
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29 trillion in wealth. covid lock downs accelerated that trend. it crippled the market share of small businesses and benefited the largest corporations. it diminished the purchasing power of our middle class and up ended our workforce such that millions of people left the workforce and still to this day have not returned. we now have 6 million or more prime age men neither working nor looking for work at all.
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in 1953, the labor participation rate among that cohort was 98%. today it's 89%. of course, we've seen mass illegal immigration undercut american jobs and wages, the rule of law, and our very social fabric. meanwhile, washington politicians have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on a broken university system which has churned out students deep in debt and in positions where it is almost impossible for them to be successful and to start families. deaths due to op oats and depression andings i tee has risen more. over the past decade life expectancy has declined and been declining for a number of years
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now. this is not normal. this is not acceptable, and yet entrenched politicians in washington refuse to change course. why would they? life for many of the people who are connected have never done better. right now five of the eight wealthiest counties in the united states of america are suburbs of washington, d.c. how does that happen? they aren't producing anything of note other than a lot of debt and a lot of hot air. yet there they go. multi-national corporations, particularly big tech companies, they've seen a massive surge in wealth while selling our assets and outsourcing our industrial base to china. since 2020, a handful of tech companies have increased their market capitalization by over $6 trillion. that's actually more than our entire nominal gdp has increased
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over that period of time. that is not a broad-based, durable economy. so the elites in this country have failed. time and again they've imposed policies that have proven short sighted and have proven counterproductive. just look back a quarter of a century ago with what we were told would happen with china. they said if you granted china special trading status and put them in the world trade organization, that china would become more democratic, that it would guard against forced transfers of technology. >> harris: so you see florida governor ron desantis right there in an early battleground state, new hampshire, an important one. today laying out his economic plan for america talking about issues that he would take forth as a candidate. we'll be all over this as the candidates pop up all over the country. we're only about five months away from the iowa caucus on january 15th. after four years president biden
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has publicly acknowledged hunter biden's daughter navy as his seventh grandchild. it is the very first time. in a statement to people magazine the president said, this was a quote. our son hunter and navy's mother are working together to foster a relationship in the best interest of their daughter. this is not a political issue but a family matter. jill and i only want what's best for all of our grandchildren, including navy. criticism from republicans and others coming after that statement. watch. >> but of course when it comes to family we always want to keep that private. that's fine. when you go and talk about family values and talk about all of that it is odd he wouldn't acknowledge one of thinks grandchildren. >> i know how many grandchildren i have. i have seven. >> harris: even the mainstream media have lost patience with the president. watch this heated exchange on it. >> why now for the bidens? why did it take them so long? >> two things.
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first of all, i respect you as a journalist for having to ask the question. it is a very gross and uncomfortable subject to talk about as it is. >> let's talk about the little girl? >> i'm talking about the intersank tom of a family and privacy of what goes on in a family. you are right. that little girl should not be weaponizeed by the republicans. >> it is not republicans who made hunter biden into a complete scum bag on this and other issues. >> mary kathryn hamm was way ahead of all of this. she wrote we need to talk about the daughter the bidens reject. time to talk about hunter biden's child case. mary kathryn, this has evolved a little bit with the president acknowledging navy. your top line thoughts. >> a couple of things. a friday night news dump during the summer. the least amount of news coverage you are possibly going
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to get for acknowledging the granddaughter you haven't in the past. the reason it became public. i followed it for a while before i wrote that column, is that hunter biden went to court proactively paying much money, many thousands of dollars to lawyers and taking many private jets to arkansas to fight the mother of this child who we had dna it was his child to deny her her child support. fighting it really hard in court and how it became a story. it seems to me it is an unforced error from the bidens. they could have said i know this is a little complicated but we welcome all children. she is a gift to us. that's not what they did. for three years they didn't deal with this even though we knew she definitely was hunter biden's child. this is one of those am i taking crazy pill moments for me with the press? i was looking around is no one going the talk about this? i feel like this is verified and
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maybe we should talk about it. i'm glad they have come to this conclusion but it is not in the most elegant way possible to say the least. >> harris: when you saw what we showed on the competing station and you hear one of their commentators saying it's gross to try to cover the family, what in the world was he talking about? >> well, this is the trick, right? hunter biden does something that is patently terrible, which is to deny your own child even when you have proof she is yours and we are then told that we're im polite for noticing that he did this patently terrible thing and the bidens by extension have participated in it. i don't accept that. if it's terrible on its face i'm allowed the talk about it. they did it with the late senator kennedy. it was not good that -- i think it was impolite she got left in the car. >> harris: why now? december per sayings, decency.
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if he saw the polling and where particularly women were on that issue, that may have driven it but we don't know. a big backlash after house judiciary chairman jim jordan revealed smoking gun facebook files. a series of tweets prove facebook censored americans facebook and instagram posts and social media companies faced tremendous pressure from the biden white house. missouri attorney general andrew bailey. >> what this shows is that not only did he coerce and collude with big tech social media but pushed them further than their own internal censorship policies. they understood big tech social media understood the federal government was making demands and pushing them beyond the bounds of their own internal policies and memorandum. >> harris: an op-ed is calling it the administration's assault on free speech arguing our government has established a
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vast system of censorship. it is a shocking constitutional violation. mary kathryn. >> yeah. what's going on here is that not only is the government involved in censoring what they call disinformation. they don't know that. during covid especially we learned over and over again they don't actually know the truth or trying to obscure the truth and not allowed to have a discussion about it. second, the press is backing them up. one of these discussions between facebook executives is saying hey, we're getting a lot of pressure from the white house and the press to censor vaccine discouraging information. that doesn't mean misinformation, that means truthful information they thought was inappropriate. so first of all it's okay to pass on things that aren't true. that's covered under free speech. it certainly should be well within bounds to pass on truthful things. but the press and white house combined with social media kept
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us from having a lot of rational discussion about covid policies and hurt public health in the end. >> harris: you know, it wasn't just the information that they were making calls on. it was our questions as journalists. vaccination discouraging wording they were accusing us of. this is america. we can all ask questions. as we learned more, of course we'll ask questions. mary kathryn, it was great to see you. come back soon. this breaking news now isis has claimed responsibility for that deadly bombing attack yesterday. it killed at least 54 people and injured more than 200 in pakistan. that's near the afghanistan border. it happened during a political rally. the gathering organized by a supporter of afghanistan's taliban government. at least 1,000 people were at that event. many democrats working to push
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aside wore eaves about president biden's age. >> the amount of major legislation passed by this president doesn't happen without joe biden. he is a master legislative tactician. 0 evidence that joe biden can't do this job. >> president biden: 0 evidence? voters aren't so confident in the president's mental fitness and now the bribery allegations at hunter's ex-partner is talking with lawmakers on capitol hill. the power panel is next. e loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money.
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they're a perfect snack between meals. or lunch on the go. splenda shakes are made by the #1 doctor-recommended sweetener brand. splenda diabetes care shakes: find them in the pharmacy aisle today. >> harris: a long time mar-a-lago maintenance worker reported to a miami courthouse today. he was indicted along with former president trump as part of the classified document investigation. prosecutor charged him with obstruction for allegedly trying to delete security footage upon the president's request. rival 2024 candidate nikki haley said this. >> it doesn't matter if you're republican or democrat or hillary or trump. you shouldn't be erasing anything unless you have something to hide. everybody needs to be treated the same way and the american people are frustrated. not that they don't want people held accountable, they want
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everyone to be treated fairly. right now they don't trust the department of justice. >> harris: they don't trust anybody in the government. alexandria hoff is at the miami courthouse with more. what's the latest on this? >> well, harris, the defendant did not have a florida attorney with him today. so his formal arraignment was postponed until august 10th. he didn't enter a plea at all today. we anticipated that would be the case. he only had d.c. counsel with him. this part of the process has been delayed and the plea not entered, the judge did set the terms of his release. bond was set at $1 hundred thousand. he was order to surrender his passport. once again the third defendant charged in the classified document case alongside former president trump and trump valet. prosecutors say he lied to federal investigators helping to move boxes of documents of mar-a-lago and conspired to
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delete mar-a-lago security tapes. former president trump denied it writing in a post yesterday quote, mar-a-lago security tapes were not deleted adding i never told anybody to delete them. prosecutorial misconduct election interference he writes. here is trump's legal spokesperson. listen. >> if president trump didn't want something turned over, i assure you that's something that could have been done. he never would act like that. he is the most ethical american i know. >> so within thursday's superseding indictment jack smith brought three new felony charges against the former president. additional count of willful retention of national defense information and two new obstruction counts. now the defendant's arraignment will take place in fort pierce, florida, not clear why the change is made but he is still inside the federal courthouse having to do with fingerprinting
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to surrender his passport, we believe. >> it is quite possible and close to probable that he is not the nominee. you can see him on any given day. the health is a severe issue. so then, you know, 1 to 4 chance health, 1 to 4 chance is hunter. if we choose trump as the nominee the democrats will seize on that as the opportunity to not have a trump-biden but someone else versus trump knowing it increases the possibility to beat the republicans up and down the ticket. >> harris: governor chris sununu in "focus" a bit earlier casting doubt on president biden's 2024 campaign. most democrats are brushing off any age concerns. democrats in office, that is. they are not concerned about biden running especially when it comes to his age. >> i guess age is relevant if it is an indicator that a candidate isn't up to do the most
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important job in the world. but joe biden is succeeding and succeeding at an extraordinary and historic rate. there is really 0 evidence that joe biden can't do this job. >> the president should embrace his age, his experience, what he has the knowledge that he brings to the job. >> he puts many of us to shame with his energy. >> his age, i appreciate wisdom more. >> we have had many leaders his age that have done extraordinary things for america. >> harris: well, swalwell hit it. if you took it out of context he is putting some people to shame with his energy or lack there of. that's not what he meant. the american people have different thoughts. lawmakers inside that unicorn bubble and everybody else. a recent poll found 70% say biden is too old for a second term. the host of a -- richard foe
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tear fox news contributor. great to see you both. always fireworks with you two. i'll start with you, and just the age. listening to chris sununu earlier this program talk about what he could see, i reminded him he wasn't a doctor. he didn't care about that. >> abc "washington post" pole you cited with 68% of americans believe the president is too old is real. if you look at the images of those lawmakers that you played, harris, most of them don't even believe what they are saying. we can add that to the greatest hits. here is reality. the reason why many in the democratic party are hoping that someone else, maybe a gavin newsom. i don't think he would do well. could potentially challenge joe biden. they are afraid if joe biden goes head-to-head with donald trump if he is the nominee he will not fare well on the debate stage. the american people will look at that and maybe not vote for the
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republican but will indeed stay home. that's just as good for the republican party. >> harris: potentially vote for a third party candidate, cornel west or somebody with no labels. >> robert kennedy. >> harris: republican presidential candidate nikki haley calling for testing for older politicians from president biden and former president trump to lawmakers on capitol hill. watch. >> we need to have term limits in congress and we need to have mental competency tests for anyone over the age of 75. i don't say that to be disrespectful. when you look at biden and you ask him what country he was in the week before and can't say it. you see what happened with mcconnell and feinstein. we have to stop electing people because we like them and they've been there a long time. that's actually the problem. >> a couple of things here. i have agree with the former u.n. ambassador when she talks about the age of capitol hill. >> harris: do you want testing? >> no, they're old. the average age of the united states senate is the mid 60s.
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one millennial in the united states senate even that generation is one of the largest in the country. i do think there is a question to be had there. with that being said, if nikki haley's comments track, then i think in the poll you just mentioned she would be doing better than 3%. where somebody who is almost in their 80s, former president donald trump, is at 54%. it is clear that the american people. >> harris: follow the logic people are voting for people based on their age. that's not the -- i wasn't polled. >> harris: go ahead. >> the question necessarily isn't about age. the question is, is one mentally and physically fit at an older age. that's why you see 68% of americans looking at joe biden falling up the stairs, falling on stage, forgetting where he is at. saying he is in one state when he is in another, those things are concerning. i'm not saying this to attack
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the president but people age differently. we need to have a serious conversation in this country about whether or not we want someone to lead this country with the nuclear codes for an additional four years and we aren't certain of their mental or physical fitness. >> harris: last quick one and move to the next topic. richard, should everybody be tested? then you could make it fair. >> i'm not against that. once again when you hear comments like that from governor sununu are, it requires someone to be in the doctor's office with the president of the united states. that's a question you skw the governor there, harris in the previous segment. neither of them are. nobody can sit and question whether or not he is mentally fit or sound without actually having the documentation to back it up. right now nobody does. >> harris: we watch him. >> that's not -- i'm not saying i'm a doctor. what i'm saying is i have eyes like most american people and i know what i see. richard, there is nothing wrong with having the conversation, asking the question is the
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president okay? you want to deny it. >> i believe we can have the conversation but also important to look at the president's record and what you see is a president that has accomplishment that even barack obama, the youngest of the three wish that he had. >> you are not concerned about joe biden forgetting where he is at? not concerned about him falling up the stairs and on stage? >> i am not saying we shouldn't have a conversation about age but the president's accomplishment. if you look at joe biden's accomplishment. he has had legislative and foreign policy accomplishments. >> harris: and had some foreign policy gaffes that have been monster size. >> let's not forget afghanistan. joe biden's record isn't perfect. >> harris: let me get in here for a second. when you talk about a president saying watch me and watch how energy. going back to afghanistan, the withdrawal was disastrous. >> it was.
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>> harris: more than chaos and deadly. but do you remember on the tarmac as we were bringing the caskets draped in flags home, the president was checking out his watch. that's what you do when you are not present of where you are. i have to let you both go and bring you back, i promise. thank you both. "the faulkner focus" thankful for you watching. "outnumbered" after the break.
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hello, colonial penn? >> this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany, here with my co-host harris faulkner. joining us, tammy bruce and restoring editor and senior fellow for independent women's forum kaylee mcgee white and host of the doug collins podcast.


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